Fellow Tuskegee Alumni and Friends,
This communication to you is an invitation to join or renew your membership with the Indianapolis Tuskegee Alumni Club (ITAC). We are a dedicated group of loyal alumni and friends that strive diligently to uphold the club’s mission … student recruitment and alumni development.
We meet every third Saturday from September through June to update current programs and plan future activities. Dues are $80.00 per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). This covers local, regional, and national dues. We begin paying dues for the upcoming fiscal year in May of each year. The Membership Form is attached for your use.
Even if your schedule will not allow you to attend all, some, or none of the meetings, payment of your dues will enable the club to continue the planned programs and activities that support Tuskegee University.
Membership Fees: $80 for club membership, $30 for students
Complete the membership form for the Indianapolis Tuskegee Alumni Club Membership and return via email or mail (Download here) Scan form and send back to indytualumniclub@yahoo.com
Three convenient ways to make your membership payment
- Mail your check and form
- Use CashApp (Here)
- Make your payment via PayPal below: